102 tonnes of materials per 26 m2 in the Packing Machinery Factory PABLO
Installing an automatic storage system seems to be impossible in some warehouses, because of their size or a layout of the warehouse/production hall. Our current customer, Fabryka Maszyn Pakujących PABLO (PABLO Packing Machinery Factory), had similar concerns, searching for a solution that would save the storage space and make communication routes available for employees.
PABLO is a manufacturer of packaging lines and machines for companies of various industries, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and food.
We proposed to them the LogiTower automatic storage system with the so-called semi-automatic shelf extension under the tower and 2 access points. This solution enables to save storage space, as well as gain access to the stored goods from both sides of the system. The extractor occupies the space of communication routes only for the time of the system activation, while the employees have an access to them the rest of the time.